Film based on a true event after the Venezuelan film director Patricia Ortega documented herself with the production on the life of Miguel Ángel Jusayü in her documentary "El niño Shuá" (2007) and "Kataa ou-outa" (2009), thereby showing the violent acts resulting from the presence of paramilitaries in the area of ​​Alta Guajira and the well-known sample of a culture that persists through time.

Ficha técnica:

EL REGRESO ,  Venezuela, 2013.

Dirección: Patricia Ortega

Guion: Patricia Ortega

Producción: Sergio Gómez Antillano, Gloria Jusayú

Fotografía: Mauricio Siso

Música: Javier Pedraja

Reparto: Daniela González, Laureano Olivares, Sofía Espinoza, Selmira Echeto, Segundo González, Gloria Jusayú, Andrés Barrios, Lilian González 

"Learn the rules like a professional so you can break them as an artist."

Pablo Picasso